Thursday, December 27, 2007

Oh, BABY!!!

Well, Andy and I have some big news!!! We are going to be having baby #2!!! Well #2 for right now. I am 8 weeks pregnant which puts me at a due date of 11 Aug. I will be going to the doctors next week which is when I will schedule my ultra sound. Let me just say, there had better just be one baby in there! I may just lose my mind if we end up with twins. I am going to copy my friend Jenn and keep a blog of the pregnancy. It will just be added onto Alex's. This way everyone can see what's going on with both babies. Holy crap, grab a seat and enjoy the ride!!!! Baby number 2 is coming in 8 months!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Well, we took Alex to the doctors last week for his 6 months checkup. He weights 17.8 lbs! I can't believe how big he's getting. Me and Grandmom at going shopping next week since he's growing out of everything he owns. Childrens Place here we come! Also, Alex is officially crawling. Maybe I'll start to loose some weight now running after him! 6 months and he's already crawling!!! Alex, where are your teeth???

Sunday, December 16, 2007

6 Months

Talk about falling behind in keeping this blog. Alexander is now 6 months old. Friday we went for his check up and he weighs 17.8 lbs and is 28 inches long. Where has the time gone? He is so much fun. Work was talking about sending be on another deployment, but right now it doesn't look like it's going to happen. Andy and I have also been discussing another baby....stay tuned for that one! lol. So I have 6 months to talk about on here. Lets see; the big thing we are waiting on right now is crawling! He gets up on his hands and knees and hen pushes himself onto his feet so he looks like a little inch worm. Too cute. He doesn't quite have the hang of it, but I bet by the time we go see Dee Dee he will be crawling! Andy took some really cute pictures that I will try to post soon. The picture above is obviously halloween. We didn't go out this year since it was kinda cold out and I would have been stuck with all the candy anyway. Save it for next year! Hopefully I will keep up with this a bit better and will try to get on every week. Promise! lol