Monday, July 23, 2007

BIG baby

Well today Alex had his 6 week doctors appointment. I thought he was going to get his shots today, but since he is 2 days shy from being 6 weeks old they wouldn't let him get them. Sooo next week I am going to take him. He did get weighted, 11lbs 6 oz! He weighted 7lbs 12 oz when he was born. I knew he was getting big, but not that big! Other than that, the doctor says he is perfect. Would he be anything less? I don't think so!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

What Sleep?

Ahh, my favorite thing in the whole wide world, SLEEP! Pre-pregnancy Andy and I would sleep in till noon. First Trimester, never slept so good in my life. Second Trimester, a little less since I was beginning to wait up and have to pee all the time. Third Trimester, ahh I thought I couldn't sleep and would go on the couch and watch t.v. at night. WHAT WAS I THINKING???? Post pregnancy, sleep, what sleep? Now when people tell you to get as much sleep as you possibly can, do it! I really couldn't prepare myself for this. Granted it is now 6 weeks into motherhood and I am somewhat beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but 6 weeks ago I think I was averaging 2 hours a night. Now we are going 3 hours straight before he wakes up for a feeding.

Now this brings me into a whole other issue. Putting him down. OH MY GOSH, this baby has an alarm in him and knows when I am not holding him. He will either wake up within 30 seconds, or he will wait until I begin to fall asleep. Now some may think, what about Andy? He is half his right? Alex is become a mommas boy, what can you expect from him when I am with him ALL day. Andy will get up and all Alex will do is scream, so I have no choice but to get up. I can say though, things are getting better. If I wrote this 3 weeks ago, I don't think I would have had the same outlook.

Well speaking of sleeping, I just laid Alex down in the crib about 5 minutes ago, and surprise he's back up. Until next time........

13 June 2007

Ahh...labor. I honestly don't know what the big deal is all about. I mean come on, why does everyone say it's so bad pushing a 7 lb 12 oz. baby out a hole that stretches to 3 times that size? Ahh, could it be that I took the drugs? Yup, I took the drugs everyone. All that talk on me saying I can go natural, well boy was I wrong!

I went into the hospital Tuesday night the 12th of June to be induced that following morning. Wait, let me re-wind. FIRST before going to the hospital, we had to go to Andy's soft ball game. We went to the game with our bags packed. Not only that, but he didn't want to leave the game to take me to the hospital to have our son! Now I know that sounds horrible, but understand, I did agree for us to stop at the base first so he could play half of the game. See what a wonderful wife I am? So back to where I was, Tuesday night, hospital. Nothing much happened from there. I ended up being already 2cm dilated so they did some balloon thing and it made me 3 cm. I got to have some amazing drugs and I got my last night of really good sleep for the rest of my life.

June 13, 2007 0700.

They woke me up at 7 am and let me get a shower which was totally a waste of time. an hour later the doctor was breaking my water and I was nasty all over again. The nurse began to give me potocin at 8:30 and that's when it was all over. The contractions came like a train out of control. I honestly don't know how women do it! I only had contractions for about an hour and a half before I got the epidural. Andy stepped out for that one and my mom hold my hand. You try sitting perfectly still while a guy is putting a huge needle in your spine while have a contraction. Not much fun. So anyway, to make a long day short, about a half hour later I was numb from the hips down and was loving life. At 5 in the afternoon I began to push Alex out and at 5:41 he was here! My doctor was amazing and he was my favorite so I got lucky with that one. Also with each push, Alex's heart beat went down so we almost had to use the vacuum which I wasn't having so within 10 mins of the doctor telling me that I pushed him out.

What a wonderful feeling it was. I really can't put it down into words. So many emotions take over and I just cried and laughed. Here was this baby that Andy and I created and he couldn't be more perfect. (besides his boo boo head!) Little did I know that our life just took a complete flip at 5:41 that day. Would I take it all back if I could? Nah....but I definitely would have not taken the time that me and Andy had together for granted when it was just us.